After you log in, you will be brought to your home page:

1. Back button

2. User settings

3. Home button

4. User Menu

5. Roles you are assigned

6. Scroll Bar

On the top bar in Render you will always see a Back button (1) on the upper left hand corner. You can click back at any time to go back one page (if possible) or back to your Home page. You can change your user settings by clicking the Settings button (2). Click the Home button (3) to go back to the Project Home (3) page with all of your assignments. See the User Menu (4) for more information on your user and your project. The roles assigned to you (5) will appear in Project Home.  You may not be assigned all of the roles shown here.  Yellow roles means there is work for you to do. Blue roles mean you can go in and see your work, but there is nothing new for you to do. Gray roles means there is no work there. Move the scroll bar (6) back and forth to show roles not currently visible. Each dot in the scroll bar maps directly to a role image.