For each stage in the workflow (except for Consultant Approval) there is a gear icon which allows you to customize the settings for that stage. 

1. Drafting settings: Click on it to access the settings for Drafting stages.

2. Peer Check settings: Click on it to access the settings for Peer Check stages.

3. Community Test settings: Click on it to access the settings for Community Test stages.

4. Consultant Check settings: Click on it to access the settings for Consultant Check stages.

Currently, there is no settings available for Consultant Approval stage.

Settings options
Once this SettingsThe icon is tapped/clicked, you will see various steps of that stage appearing. 

On the right side of each step, there is a icon.

Clicking it will turn it into icon, expanding to show various options for that step.

You will find Toggle buttons in the settings:

Right means this feature is On and the user will encounter this feature. 

Left means it is Off and won't be available to the user.

There are also Radio Buttons that let you choose one option from many:

This means the option is Selected

 This means the option is Un-selected 


1. Stage Name: If you want to rename this stage to something else, you can tap on this box and type in the new name.

2. Section Listen: Settings for Section Listen step. Which includes -

  • Include Section Listen gives you the option to turn on this step or turn it off entirely by using the toggle button.
  • Section Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

3. Passage Listen: Settings for Passage Listen step. Which includes -

  • Include Passage Listen gives you option to turn on this step or turn it off entirely by using the toggle button.
  • Passage Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

4. Passage Review: Settings for Passage Review step. Which includes -

  • Include Section Listen gives you option to turn on this step or turn it off entirely by using the toggle button.
  • Passage Review Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

5. Section Review: Settings for Section Review step. Which includes -

  • Include Section Listen gives you option to turn on this step or turn it off entirely by using the toggle button.
  • Section Review Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

6. Back button, to go back to Workflow Configuration page. Beware that this will NOT save your changes.

7. Advance button, to save changes and go back to Workflow Configuration page.

Peer Check

1. Stage Name: If you want to rename this stage to something else, you can tap/click on this box and type in the new name.

2. No Self Check: By default, it is turned on, which will prevent the Drafting team from doing the Peer Check of their own workBy turning it off, the team that drafted the set will be able to the Peer Check their own work.

3. Check:

3A. Note Listen: Settings for Note Listen step. Which includes -

  • Include Note Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

3B. Section and Passage Listen: In here you can decide if you want to listen to Both the Section and Passage listen or Only one of them in the Peer Check step. Click the Radio Button next to the option you choose.

3C. Section Listen: Settings for Section Listen step. Which includes - 

  • Section Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need. Take note that this option will be greyed out if you deselected it in 3B.

3D. Passage Listen: Settings for Passage Listen step. Which includes - 

  • Passage Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need. Take note that this option will be greyed out if you deselected it in 3B. 

4. Revise:

4A. Allow Editing: This enables/disables the Edit Tool for this specific step. If enabled, you will be able to make changes to the drafted audio.

4B. Note Listen: Settings for Note Listen step. Which includes - 

  • Note Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

4C. Passage Review After Re-Recording

  • Include Passage Review After Re-Recording: This adds a review screen for the passage if you have re-recorded.
    • Passage Review After Re-Recording Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need. 

5. Back button, to go back to Workflow Configuration page. Doing this will NOT save the changes.

6. Advance button, to save changes and go back to Workflow Configuration page.

Community Test

1. Stage Name: If you want to rename this stage to something else, you can tap/click on this box and type in the new name.

2. Assign To Translator: When this toggle button is on sections will automatically be assigned to the same team which drafted them.

3. Test: 

3A. Section Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

3B. Retell and Question & Response radio buttons:

  • Both - Enables both Retell and Question & Response for Community Test
  • Retell only - Only Retell is Enabled for Community Test
  • Question & Response only - Only Question & Response is enabled for Community Test

3C. Passage Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next in the Retell step. It can be turned on/off, as you need. Take note that this option will be greyed out if you deselected it in 3B. 

3D. Question Context Listen Guidance enables guided/highlighted yellow buttons for Question Context Listen in the Question & Response step.  It can be turned on/off, as you need. Take note that this option will be greyed out if you deselected it in 3B. 

3E. Include Response Guidance enables guided/highlighted yellow buttons for Response Step. It can be turned on/off, as you need. Take note that this option will be greyed out if you deselected it in 3B. 

4. Revise:

4A. Allow Editing lets you enable/disable editing the draft on the Community Revise step.

4B. Section Listen Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

4C. Community Feedback Guidance turns on/off guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next when listening to Community Feedback recordings.

4D. Passage Review After Re-Recording:

  • Include Passage Review After Re-Recording: This adds a review screen for the passage if you have re-recorded.
    • Passage Review After Re-Recording Guidance lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need. 

5. Back button, to go back to Workflow Configuration page. Doing this will NOT save the changes.

6. Advance button, to save changes and go back to Workflow Configuration page.

Consultant Check

1. Stage Name: If you want to rename this stage to something else, you can click on this box and type in the new name.

2. Include Back Translator: This is to turn on/off Back Translation for the project.

3. 2-Step Back Translator: This turns on/off the Back Translator 2. This should be on in cases where the consultant does not speak the intermediate language.

4. Check:

4A. Note Listen: Option for Note Listen guidance. This lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need. 


4B. Passage Back Translate: Options for Passage Back Translate step (Formerly known as Retell Back Translate)

4Bi. Include Passage Back Translate: This can be turned on or off. When turned off, Passage Back Translate will not be included in the workflow.

4Bii. Consultant Language: Type the name of the Consultant's language in this box.

4Biii. Listen Guidance (for Section and Passage Listen): This lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need. 

4Biv. Passage Review: This can be turned on or off. When turned off, Passage Review will not be included in the workflow. When turned on, it will be included, and you can choose to turn on or off the yellow guidance.

4Bv. Passage Transcribe: When turned on, this will enable transcription of the back translation of the passage, and you can enable/disable the yellow guidance feature.

4C. Segment Back Translate: Options for Segment Back Translate step (Formerly known as Breath Pause Back Translate)

4Ci. Include Segment Back Translate: This can be turned on or off. When turned off, Segment Back Translate will not be included in the workflow.

4Cii. Consultant Language: Type the name of the Consultant's language in this box.

4Ciii. Listen Guidance (for Section and Passage Listen): This lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons to suggest what to do next. It can be turned on/off, as you need. 

4Civ. Passage Review: This can be turned on or off. When turned off, Passage Review after completing segment back translation will not be included in the workflow. When turned on, it will be included, and you can choose to turn on or off the yellow guidance.

4Cv. Segment Transcribe: When turned on, this will enable transcription of the back translation of each segment, and you can enable/disable the yellow guidance feature.

4D. Note Interpret: Options for Note interpret step.

4Di: Include Note Interpret: When this feature is on, audio notes between the translation teams and the consultant will be interpreted (typed notes will not be interpreted). The guidance feature, when on, will enable the yellow guidance feature for the Note Interpreter as he listens to the notes. 

4Dii. Note Review: When this feature is on, the Note Interpreter will be able to review his work (with or without the yellow guidance) before submitting it.

5. Revise:

5A. Allow Editing: Turns on/off the ability to edit the audio as the translation team revises their work based on the Consultant's feedback.

5B. Note Listen Guidance: This lets you have guided/highlighted yellow buttons when listening to notes from the Consultant. It can be turned on/off, as you need.

5C. Passage Review After Re-Recording: When turned on, the translation team will review their revision (with or without yellow guidance) before submitting it for the next step in the workflow.

6. Back button, to go back to Workflow Configuration page, will not save the changes.

7. Advance button, to save changes and go back to Workflow Configuration page.

Consultant Approval

There are currently no setting options for the approval stage.