To begin reviewing sets, click "Sets" on the Configure Home Page:

Then choose the set you want to review:

Click Review:

You are now at the Sets Review page. This page will give you everything you need to review a set.

Translation Drafts Dropdown & Player

On the left side of this page, you’ll see the dropdown box and circle player for translation drafts. Here you can listen to all of the drafts that the translation team has worked on up to this point.

As the team refines their translation more and more, you will have more translation drafts in this dropdown box. Below is an example.

As you can see above, this set (Set 1) has one peer review draft, one community draft and two consultant drafts. The titles are gray boxes and can be expanded by clicking on the arrows. Consultant  Check Draft 2 has been clicked on, expanding the translation and back translations below in blue boxes. If you would like to collapse an expanded box, simply click the up arrow.

After expanding a draft title, you can click on the translation or back translation. The draft you have selected will be the bright blue selected color. Retell Back Translate (English) under Consultant Draft 2 is the selected back translation. When you click on a draft or back translation, it will load the audio in the circle player.

Notes Dropdown & Player

On the right side of the Sets Review page is the dropdown box for notes and the notes circle player. Here you can listen to all of the notes from the translation team, peer review team, and consultant. You can also listen to all community check retell and questions & responses. Click on the blue plus button to choose what to play:

The note dropdown organizes each note by its corresponding passage, the draft of the passage, and the note’s author—the peer reviewer, community, consultant, or the translator. When you select a note, the dropdown box will have the title of the note with all of this information for your reference.

As the translation team refines their translation more and more, you will have more notes in this dropdown box. Below is an example.

As you can see above, this set (Set 5) has multiple passages. The gray boxes indicate the titles of passages as well as the drafts. The arrows next to the titles can be expanded or collapsed with a click. The titles Passage 1 and Community 1 have been clicked on, expanding the community notes below in blue boxes.

After expanding a title, you can click on the notes below, indicated by the bright blue select color. Retell is the selected note above. This refers to the Retell of Passage 3 that was done by the first community. If you have Note Translate turned on for your project, you will see notes in multiple languages under the consultant drafts. When you click on a blue box, the audio will load below in the circle player.

Observe Note

On the bottom of the Sets Review page is the Observe note record box. When you record a note here, it will go to the translators working on this set the next time they are drafting or revising this set.

Reference Audio Tab

On the right side of your page, you can listen to the entire set in the references loaded for the project by pressing the headphone button. Your page will look similar to this:

Transcriptions Tab

If you have Transcribe turned on for your project, you will see another tab with a notebook and pencil.

On the left side of the Transcriptions page is the back translations transcriptions box that has the typed-out back translations. On the right side is the transcription of the notes, both from the translators and from the consultant. You can select which back translation or note transcription you would like to see with the plus buttons.

In the middle of the transcribe boxes, you have two arrows. These allow you to adjust the font size for your viewing. The up arrow makes the font bigger; the down arrow makes the font smaller.

At the bottom of the Transcriptions tab, there are three different options for exporting transcriptions, which will allow you to save the transcriptions to your personal device. Click any of the Export buttons and choose where you want to save the file.

Export Audio Tab

After a set has been drafted, the Export feature is available. When you click on the "Export Audio" button, a tab will show up, allowing you to select any submitted draft or any submitted note for the set, including the approved audio for a completed set. It will look like this:

On the left side you will see all drafts and the right side you will see notes. Drafts are named by the latest stage in the translation process that draft made it to. For example, if the first submitted draft makes it through Peer Revise and Community Revise without any changes, that will be considered Consultant Check (Draft 1). You can click on and select as many files as you would like. Use the select all and unselect all buttons to help:

When you have selected all the audio you would like to export, click on the "Export" button.

You will be prompted to select a destination for the audio files to be saved, and then the files will be exported as MP3s to your selected destination.

All of these tabs can be hidden at any time by either selecting the icon again or by selecting the "Hide" button in the bottom right corner.

You have reviewed all the components of Set Review. If you'd like to continue learning more about the Configure role in Render, see Configure: Sync.