After you have submitted your translation of a passage, Render will bring you to the Passage Review page. This is what the page will look like after you have gone through each action:

1. Home button
2. Set title listen
3. Record a note button
4. Translation audio circle player
5. Reference Audio circle player
6. Pass button
7. Re-Record button

As on the other pages in Translate, you can go back to your Home page by clicking the Home button (1). You can also listen to the Set Title (2) on this page. As outlined in the last section, you can add a note to this passage by clicking on the Record a Note button (3).

There are two circle players on this page. The circle player on the left (4) (Madi Okollo in this case) is the translation that you just created. If you used the Divide feature to make a cut, the left player will have all of your the cuts put together. The circle player on the right (5) (NIV in this case) is the audio that you used as the main reference for your translation. After reviewing the passages, you will have to decide to either pass your translation (6) or re-record your translation (7).

Learn the Steps of Passage Review here.