Issue: consultant doesn’t understand back translation. Change consultant language, change back translate language and assign new sets. Still doesn’t go to new back translation user when the team responds with a note.


Here is a workaround:


  1. Have consultant send a note back on every passage that needs to have an updated back translation.


Translation team:

  1. Go into consultant revise for that set.
  2. Click on the yellow headphones.
  3. Listen to the consultant note, respond with a note, and then click “Re-Record.” (If at this time you are brought to a page with your divisions, you will need to click “re-record” on every division, following the below steps for each division.)

  1. Once on the Record page, click the edit button.

  1. On the edit page, you will see the green bar at the beginning of the passage. This is where you will add audio. Click the big + button.

  1. You will now have a yellow record button. Record a few seconds of blank audio and click the stop button.

  1. Your blank audio edit will be in the blue box. Click the yellow play button. You should not hear any audio. (If you do, click the trash can and start back at step 5.)
  2. Click submit.


  1. Now you will be back on the Record page with your edit. Click Play to listen to it.
  2. Click Submit.
  3. Record a note back to the consultant stating what you did.
  4. Review the passage on the Passage Review page as usual.


Follow these steps for all passages that need an updated back translation. When all passages in the set are done, click Finished and review the set, clicking Pass to send it on.