As a peer checker, you will listen to the translation of a Section from the other translation team and evaluate naturalness and accuracy. 


The * symbol is used in places throughout this article to inform you of possible variations in configuration:


Open the Render 3 program. Tap on your username and input your password. Tap on the 3-dot menu and then tap on Sync. Next, tap on the yellow Peer Check icon on your Home page (as shown in the image below).

Peer Check: Section Listen*

The Section with the highest priority will be loaded into the player. Section audio gives you a wider context for the Passages you will check. This Section could be made up of one or more Passages, which you will check one by one. Passages are put together into the same Section when they are related by a theme. 


NOTE: If this is NOT the first check of a Section, you will see a Revision selector drop down box in the top left of your screen. This enables you to compare the current draft being checked with previous drafts, as well as giving you access to previous notes.


  1. Passage(s): All translated Passage(s) will appear in the Section Listen page.
  2. Scroll Bar: You can use the Scroll Bar to navigate among the Passages.
  3. Play: Tapping Play will play through all the Passages in the Section.
  4. Note Listen: Tapping the Note icon will open the note player. When Passage Guidance* is turned on in the Settings, you must open and play/read the note (if one is present) before you can tap the Next button (5). 
  5. Next: When you have listened to the Section and any notes from the translators, the Next button will become active (dark blue).
  6. A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generatedNote Record: If you want to make a Note to the translators, tap on the waveform where you want the note to appear and then tap this Note Record button. (See the How to Record a Note article for more information.) 
  7. Section Number and Section Title Audio: You can see the Section number and play the audio of the Section Title if it is available.
  8. Home: Tapping the Home button takes you to the Home screen.
  9. Menu: Tapping the Menu button displays the context-sensitive list of options listed to the right, namely: Project Home, Section Status, Export Audio, Project List, Sync, and Log Out.
  10. Back: Tapping the Back button will take you back one screen, or to the Home page.


Peer Check: Passage Listen*   

  1. Play: Tap the Play button to listen to the translation of this Passage.
  2. Note(s) Listen: If there are Notes from the translators tap the Note bubble(s) in the waveform to open and listen to them. 
  3. Note Record: If you want to make a note to the translators, first tap the place in the waveform where you want the note to appear and then tap this Note Record button. (See the How to Record a Note article for more information).
  4. References: Listen to the References for this Passage.
  5. Next: When you have finished checking the Passage, tap the Next button to proceed to the next Passage, or to finish the process.