As an admin, sync before changing project configuration: When you go to your Sets and Processes page in Admin, you will see what sets will be affected by project configuration settings. For example, if you are turning Transcribe on, any sets you, as Admin, see are not yet at Consultant Check will now go through Transcribe. If you are turning Retell or Q&R on for Community Check, any sets that you see are not at Community Revise will be required to go through this newly turned-on process. So, if you are changing your project configuration, it is best to sync so you have the most up to date project work.
There is no option to record a note back to the Peer Review team in Peer Revise:
When a set is sent back from Peer Review to the translation team, when they are on the select page, the translation team can either record a note that says “We don’t want to re-record” OR choose to re-record a passage in the set. If they re-record a passage and later go back and record a note on the select page, it will delete their re-recording and send this set on to Community Check.
How to configure Note Translate languages:
In Admin, when setting note translate languages, they must be set to go between the consultant’s language and the receptor language of the translation team. You can translate the notes in whatever language you would like on the note translate pages, but it has to be set like this in Admin.
Below is an example of the configuration in Admin with the receptor language
of the project as Madi Okollo and the consultant’s language as English.
How to assign a password to a user in Admin:
Password grid is as follows and must be typed in as numbers and capital letters in the order you want your password to be. Does not seem to have a case minimum (can be one) or up to 16.
00 | 01 | 02 | 03 |
04 | 05 | 06 | 07 |
08 | 09 | 0A | 0B |
0C | 0D | 0E | 0F |
We recommend using a password with three or more boxes for security reasons. The numbers correspond to how you will type your password in Render. For example, if your password is “0004090E” you would swipe (or click on each box in the correct order):
How to properly set up Back and Note Translate languages:
Do not have multiple users with the same “to” language, but different “from” languages for note translate and back translates. This could cause a crash at consultant, as Render doesn’t know which back or note translate to use.
- Example of bad scenario with consultant that speaks English:
- User 1: Chibi>English
- User 2: Chibi>Portuguese
- User 3: Portuguese>English
This is a bad configuration as there are two back translations that are going to English. Consultant will crash.
- Example of good scenario with Consultant that speaks English:
- User 2: Chibi>Portuguese
- User 3: Portuguese>English
This is a good configuration as one back translation will feed into the other and there is only one back translation into English.
Apply screen lock to all devices:
Make sure that your screen lock is turned on, as there can be issues to the screen if you turn your device and Render adjusts to the vertical view.
If you have any questions, please submit a new ticket or send us an email.