The Config role user can modify the workflow by adding one or more Community Test “tiles” or Stages. Each Community Test Stage is customizable for the kind of test - Retell or Question & Response, or Both.
If Q&R is enabled, the substage of “Community Setup” will automatically be added to the workflow for each Community Test Stage added to the workflow. This has pros and cons. One good thing is that the work invested in creating questions for the first Community Test will be inherited by all subsequent Community Setup sub-stages as long as no Revisions are made along the way until all tests are completed.
One cumbersome aspect is that you will have to go through the Community Setup sub-stage for every test. However, if there is no need to modify the flags and questions, one need only proceed through the Setup substage without making any changes. One benefit to this design is that you DO have the option to make changes to the flags and questions. This is helpful if the first test(s) reveal the need to make such changes before the next test. Also, those changes will be inherited by subsequent tests.
Another cumbersome aspect to this design is that the teams will have to also go through the Community Revise step for every test. A team can make no changes (just proceed through the Revise substage making no changes) until the last one in which they can listen to all of the feedback from every test and improve the draft (revise) if desired. In this way, teams can easily and quickly proceed through the Community Revise step after a test, and then do the same with the Community Setup for the next test (assuming no changes to the flags and questions are needed) and be ready for the next Community Test within minutes.
If you have further questions about this process, please contact the Render Helpdesk at