In Render, you can divide the reference audio into smaller translatable portions. After you listen to the entire reference audio, the Divide button—a knife—will become active.
Watch this video for a demonstration.
Steps of cutting a passage:
1.First, click on the Knife button. You will be brought to the Divide page:
2.Click on the yellow play button.
3.Click pause where you would like to make a division. If you paused too early or too late, you can press play and pause again. Alternatively, move the scrubber (the green line) to the spot you would like.
4.Click on the Knife button. This is what your page will look like this:
The dark blue shaded box is the cut portion that will now be your translation reference.
5. Press play to listen to your new translation reference.
6. If you need to change your cut slightly, hold down the white triangle and move it to include or exclude the necessary portion. If you need to make a significant change to the cut, click the Undo button—the circled arrow—and repeat steps two through five.
7. Once you are satisfied with the placement of your cut, press Submit Division.
You are now back at the Translate Record page.
- Follow the steps for translation.
Note: There will no longer be an Secondary Reference player on the page. To access the secondary references, press the headphones button on the right side of the page.
- Click Submit. Render will bring you back to the Divide page. This is what it looks like with your previous cut shaded in blue:
To create another division:
If you are only making two cuts, skip this part and look below for the steps of making your last cut on a passage.
1. Click on the yellow play button.
2. Click pause where you would like to make a division. If you paused where you didn’t want to, you can press play and pause again. Alternatively, move the scrubber (the green line) to the spot you would like.
3. Click on the knife button.
4. Move the cut scrubber with the white triangle as needed.
5. Click Submit Division.
Render will return back to the Translate Record page.
6. Follow the steps for translation.
7. Click Submit.
Continue to cut the passage into translatable pieces.
To make your last division:
1.Click the yellow play button and play to the end of the waveform player.
2.Click the Knife button.
3.Click the play button to listen to your last cut.
Your entire passage will now be covered with dark blue shaded boxes:
4. Press Submit Division to record the last piece of your divisions.
5. Follow the translation steps to record the last piece.
Once you've completed all translation steps for the passage, Render will take you to Passage Review.
6. To Reset the passage to its original condition, press the "Re-Record" button on the Passage Review page. There you can 1) reset the passage to its original condition and start over, 2) re-record any of the divisions/pieces, or 3) submit and go back to the Passage Review page.