If you want to add another question in the same spot in the audio as another flag, you do not need to use the flag button again. In fact, if your scrubber is close to a current flag line, the Flag button will be inactive to prevent you from having overlapping lines and dots. To add another question in the same spot, you’ll need to add another question tab:
1.To add another question tab to your current flag, move to step 3.
2.To add another question to a different flag, select the flag by clicking on the blue dot. It will turn bright blue.
Note: If you have planted a flag somewhere but haven’t recorded your question yet, you will not be able to select another flag. A sign of this is that you have a yellow record button on the recorder below. You must finish working on your question by recording a question for that flag (or deleting the flag) before working on a new question flag.
3.Press the Question Plus button (+) on the right side of the recorder. You will now have another tab on the recorder and your page will look similar to this:
4. You can now record another question, following the same steps above.
5. If you decide you do not want this question tab anymore, press the Question Delete button (X) to the right of the recorder. Once you confirm deletion, any recordings in the current question tab will be deleted.
Note: You can add up to twelve questions in the same flag location. The flag dots will visually max out at seven dots on the flag line, but you will be able to continue adding question tabs in the recorder at the bottom of the screen.
Learn more about Community Check here.