Sometimes it's helpful to get audio out of Render to play it on a different device or send it over Whatsapp or another method. Here is how you can export audio out of Render.
After you log in to your user, click on the menu then click on the "Export Audio" page.
The Export Audio feature is available after a section has been drafted, which creates audio for you to be able to export. Select any submitted draft or note for the section, including the approved audio for a completed section.
1. Back button
2. Home button
3. Menu
4. Sort By dropdown
5. Export Checked button
6. Expand Arrow - closed
7. Expand Arrow - open
8. Export checkbox - single
9. Export checkbox - all
You can choose to sort by Last Completed Stage or All Sections (3). Press any expand arrow (6) to show the list of sections in that role. To select specific sections to export, press any of the single export checkboxes (8). To select all of the audio for a role, press the checkboxes on the right (9). If any checkboxes have been checked, press the Export Checked button (4) to export the selected sections. To leave this page, press the Back button (1) or the Home button (2). The menu (3) will have more information or allow you to go to other pages.
1. Sort By
2. Export Checkbox
3. Scroll bar
4. Export Checked
5. Menu
Select All Sections from the Sort By (1) drop down list to see all sections. Check any boxes (2) to export. If the section has no audio, the checkbox will not be checkable. There is a collapsing scroll bar (3) on the right. Hover or touch it to expand the scroll bar and scroll up and down the list. Press Export Checked (4) to export the checked audio files. Press the Menu (5) if you don't want to export.
10. The audio files were exported to the file folder you selected on your computer. The file name is saved as this name format:
- Receptor language (example: French)
- Section number (examples: 1 and 3)
- Section name (example: Luke)
- Book number (example: 1)
- Verse numbers (examples: 1-4 and 26-30)
- User Role name (examples: Peer Check and Drafting)
- File type (example: .opus)
The audio file type .opus can be played on any computer, app or device that can play other audio (mp3) files.