Once you've completed each passage in Breath Pause Back Translate following the steps outlined here, Render will bring you to the Breath Pause Review page.
1. Home button
2. Set Title
3. Translation selectable player
A. Play button
B. Selection
4. Breath pause back translation selectable player
A. Play button
B. Selection
5. Pass button
6. Re-Record button
As on your other pages in Breath Pause Back Translate, you can click Home (1) to go to your Home page. You can look at the Set Title to see what set you are working on.
The translation audio that you used to record your back translation is in the upper player (3). The lower player is loaded with your breath pause back translation (4). You can play both players (3a, 4a) and also select segments in either player (3b, 4b). If you are happy with your back translation, you can click the Pass button (5). If you want to change your back translation, you can select a segment and click the Re-Record button (6).
How to Review Your Breath Pause Back Translation:
On this Review page, you have the translation source next to your back translation. You can see all of the breath pause segments separated by gray lines in both players. When you select a segment in either player, it will select the corresponding segment in the other player. If you want to play more than one segment at a time, simply click on the bright blue segment and it will unselect it. Then using the white arrow, move the scrub bar throughout the player and press the Play button.
To review your back translation:
1. Play through the segments as needed to compare your back translation to the original translation.
2. After reviewing your back translation, you can either:
• Pass your translation and move on to the next set.
• Re-Record one or more segments.
If you are happy with your breath pause back translation, click Pass. If there are more sets to work on in Breath Pause Back Translate, you will be given your next set. When you are finished with all of your Breath Pause Back Translate assignments, you will be brought back to your Home page.
If you would like to re-record, follow the steps outlined here.