The Consultant Check Stage allows a user to listen to the drafted translation and audio references, review any optional backtranslations that have been turned on in the workflow (see article on Configure Workflow—Settings for Stages), and then either send the draft back to the translation team with comments or mark it ready to move forward in the workflow. 

Consultant Check

To begin a Consultant Check, select the icon from the Project Home page. 

Consultant Check: Section Select

1. Unreviewed tab: lists all the drafts that are available for their first Consultant Check.

2. Reviewed tab: lists drafts that have been reviewed at least once. These drafts may have been sent back to the translation team or may be waiting for a follow-up check. 

3. Available drafts: select one of the available drafts to begin the Consultant Check.

4. Project home: select to return to the Project Home page.

Consultant Check: Section Check

1. Section Name: shows which verses each passage in the section covers.

2. Original Language: this tab allows the user to listen to the current translation draft.

3. Passage Back Translate (optional): if enabled, this tab allows the user to listen to the passage back translation. 

4. Segment Back Translate (optional): if enabled, this tab allows the user to listen to the segment back translation. 

5. Audio References: select this button to bring up audio references used prior to drafting on the left of the screen. Select a second time to hide the references. 

6. Play: plays the audio from the selected tab (Original Language, Passage Back Translate, or Segment Back Translate)

7. Add Note: see How to: Record a Note for details on how to add a note. Notes can only be added to the Original Language draft. If a note is added, the section will be sent back to the translation team via the Consultant Revise stage.* If no notes are added, the section will move forward to the next stage in the workflow. 

8. Done: Marks the Check as complete and return to the Consultant Check: Section Select page. 

*If the note is recorded in audio form, there is the option for the back translator to interpret the note before it is sent to the translation team. This can be configured in the Workflow Configuration settings (Include Note Interpret must be turned on). However, if the note is typed then it will go directly to the team without interpretation.