This articles is the continuation of the Intro: Transcribe.
First, choose a segment to transcribe.
1. Listen to the set to decide which segment you would like to record. Use the white arrow to move within the Select player. The first section might be a good place to start.
2. Select a segment to work on by clicking on the waveform. A bright blue color will appear to indicate the selected segment.
3. Click Transcribe.
You will now be at your Type page. It will look like this when you first come into the page.
1. Home button
2. Back translation circle player
3. Loop button
4. Text box
5. Font size buttons
6. Submit button
As on the other pages in Transcribe, hitting the Home button (1) will bring you back to your Home page.
The circle player (2) on this page is the back translation that you will use as a source for your transcription. You can make this player automatically play over and over again by pressing the Loop button (3). You will type your transcription in a text box (4). If the font is too big or too small, use the up and down arrows (5) to adjust the font size. Once you have listened to the circle player in its entirety, the Submit button (6) will become active. If you want to go back to the Select page, press the Select button (7).
Steps of Transcribe:
1. Press the yellow Play button.
2. If you would like to use it, press the Loop button.
3. Click in the text box and start typing your transcription.
4. Use the up and down arrows to change the font size to your liking.
5. Once you have typed out your transcription, press the Play button again and follow your text, making sure you didn’t add anything or leave anything out.
6. Once you are happy with your transcription, press the Submit button.
Continue to transcribe each segment by following the steps above.
Once you have finished transcribing a set, you will be brought back to the Select page. Now, all of the boxes will be blue, as you have transcribed all of them. The Finished button will also be active. If you want to go back and change any of your transcriptions, follow the steps below. If you are happy with your transcriptions, click Finished.
1. Select the blue segment from the Select page.
2. Click Transcribe.
3. Press the blue Play button.
4. Erase and add to your transcription as needed.
5. Press Submit.
Continue to edit your transcriptions from the Select page as needed. When you are satisfied with your transcriptions, press Finished from the Select page. You will now be brought to your next piece to transcribe.
As a user with Transcribe assignments, you will receive notes from the consultant as well as the team to type out. In the case that the team does not speak a common language with the consultant, you will receive a translation of the team’s notes to transcribe.
Transcribing notes is very similar to transcribing back translations. When there is a note to transcribe, there will not be a Select page. Render will bring you right to the Type page with the note loaded in the circle player. There will not be a Select button at the bottom of the page, as there is no Select page. After clicking Submit, if there are more notes to Transcribe, Render will bring you right to the Type page with the next note loaded.
To transcribe a note to or from the consultant, simply follow the steps outlined previously for transcribing back translations. Because you do not have a Select page with notes, as soon as you click the Submit button, that note is submitted.