Following the Steps of Translateonce you have submitted a translation for each note, Render will bring you to the Note Translate Review page.

1. Home button
2. Set title
3. Notes source selectable player

A. Play button

B. Selection

4. Note translation selectable player

A. Play button

B. Selection

5. Pass button

6. Re-Record button

As on the other pages in Note Translate, you can click the Home button (1) to go back to your Home page. The Set Title (2) tells you the set these notes are tied to.

The top player (3) contains the original notes with any cuts that you made. This will look very similar to the Select page player. The lower player (4) contains each translation that you did for each note, including cuts. The translated notes will be in the same order as the source player with each note or cut separated by thin gray vertical lines. You can play both players (3a, 4a) and also select segments in either player (3b, 4b). After reviewing your notes, you can Pass your translation (5) or select a note to Re-record (6).

How to Review Notes

On this Review page, you have the original notes next to your translation. You can see all of the notes and any cuts you made separated by gray lines in both players. When you select a segment in either player, it will select the corresponding segment in the other player. If you want to play more than one segment at a time, simply click on the bright blue segment and it will unselect it. Then using the white arrow, move the scrub bar throughout the player and press the Play button.

To review your notes:

1. Play through the segments as needed to compare your note translations to the original notes.
2. After reviewing your note translations, you can either:

• Pass your translation and move on to the next set.

• Re-Record one or more segments.

If you are happy with your note translations, click Pass. If there are more sets to work on in Note Translate, you will be given more notes to translate for the next set.  When you are finished with all of your Note Translate assignments, you will be brought back to your Home page.

If you want to re-record, follow the steps below.

How to Re-Record

1. On the Review page, use the play button and white arrow to find the piece that you would like to re-record.

2. Select that segment you would like to re-record by pressing anywhere in that box. It will turn bright blue.

3. Click Re-Record.

You are now back at the Record page for that note. Your previous translation is loaded into the recorder. If you decide that you do not want to re-record, simply hit the Cancel button at the bottom and you will return to the Review page. To continue re-recording:

4. Listen to your note and the original note as many times as needed in order to re-record. Use the Divide button if needed.

5. To re-record, you need to delete your previous translation. Hit the Delete button.

6. Press the yellow Record button and speak your revised translation into your microphone.

7. Press Stop.

8. Press the yellow Play button to listen to your new note translation.

9. If you need to re-record again, follow steps four through eight above.

10. When you are happy with your translation of the note, click Submit.

You will now be back at the Review page. Continue to review your notes and re-record as needed until you are satisfied with your note translations.

When you are happy with your translations, click Pass. After passing a set of notes, you will be brought to your next Note Translate assignment. If you are done with all of your Note Translate assignments, you will be brought back to your Home page.