The Community Revise step allows you to review all feedback recorded during the Community Test and to make desired changes to your draft.


Select the Community Revise icon from the Project Home page:



Community Revise: Passage Select

The primary Community Revise: Passage Select page opens with markers showing recorded feedback. 

  1. Active Passage: only one passage can be active at a time. This is the passage that will be changed if you select the Re-record button (6). All other passages are blurred. To activate a different passage, select it. 
  2. Section number and audio title: if the title audio has been added to your project, a play button will be displayed. Tapping it will play the Section title audio.
  3. Home: tapping this brings you to your Project Home page (see first screenshot above).
  4. Menu: Home page, Section Status, Export Audio, Project List, Sync, and Log Out
  5. Question Flag: shows where questions have been placed during Community Setup (see the Community Setup article for more details). The number indicates how many audio recordings are available for review (“4” and “2” in these examples). Select the flag to open the Feedback Pop-up and review the community answers. (see pop-up details below)  
  6. Re-record (optional): tap this to return to the Draft Record page and record a new draft. (see the Draft article for additional details on the Draft Record page)
  7. Play: select to listen to the draft of the active passage.
  8. Finished: tapping the Finished button will complete the Community Revise step for this Section and take you back to the Project Home page.



Feedback Pop-up

  1. Passage Retell Audio: audio of the passage retelling recorded during the Community Test. It is always on the left of the pop-up. There may be more than one Retell recording if you conducted more than one Community Test. The number (“1” in this example) indicates which Community Test this Retell recording is from. 
  2. Play: each Retell, Question, and Response recording has its own Play button. Select it to listen to the recording. 
  3. Question/Response pair: the Question/Response pairs appear to the right of the pop-up. They show the question that the community was asked and their recorded response. Select Play to listen to the audio.
  4. Next/Previous Flag arrows: if there are multiple Flags in a passage, you can navigate between them with the Next/Previous arrows. In the example, the arrows are inactive (greyed out) because there is only one flag in the passage.
  5. Close: closes the Feedback Pop-up. 
  6. Scrollbar: if not all the responses fit in the pop-up window, then a scrollbar will appear on the right edge of the pop-up. Select and move the bar down to see additional responses.