In Render, the Edit Tool allows the user to make small edits to a passage instead of re-recording the entire audio draft. 


In order to use the Edit Tool, it must be enabled in the Workflow Configuration. Please see the article “Workflow Configuration: Settings for Stages” for details on how to enable it. 

The Edit Tool is available in any Revise step where it is enabled in the Workflow Configuration settings. Once inside the Revise step, select the Re-record icon to get to the Revise: Draft Record page. The Edit Tool is available from this page. 


  1. Current Draft: the Edit Tool button (2) will only appear if the current draft (which is in draft slot 1 and marked by a star) is selected.
  2. Edit Tool button: select this button to move to the Draft Edit screen. 



Draft Edit 

The Draft Edit screen is where you can remove portions of the draft or add new audio to it.

  1. Play: the original Draft remains available for playback even after you have started your modifications.
  2. Recover last deleted segment: press to recover the last segment you deleted.
  3. Trash Can: deletes the segment of the audio draft that is actively selected (the active segment is grayed out).
  4. Play Modified Audio: plays the modified audio draft.
  5. Add Audio: select the point in the waveform where you want to add audio, then tap the Add Audio button to open a pop-up which allows you to record and add new audio (see Adding Audio example below) 
  6. Cut: cuts the audio waveform into segments that can be deleted (see Removing Part of the Drafted Audio below for details).
  7. Next: Saves your modifications and returns to the Draft Record screen.



Removing Part of the Drafted Audio 


Steps to remove a segment of the audio:

  1. Select the point in the audio waveform at the beginning of the segment you want to remove.
  2. Tap the Cut button to make a cut at that point. 
  3. Select the point in the waveform at the end of the segment you want to remove.
  4. Tap the Cut button to make a cut at that point.
  5. The portion of the audio you want to remove is now its own segment. Select that segment by tapping somewhere between the beginning and ending cuts you made. The segment will turn gray indicating it is active.
  6. Select the Trash Can to delete the active segment. 
  7. These steps can be repeated as needed.



Adding Audio

Steps to add audio:

  1. Select the point in the audio waveform where you want to start the new audio.
  2. Tap the Add Audio button to open the recording pop-up. 
  3. Select the Record button and record your audio. 
  4. Select the Stop button when you have completed recording. 
  5. Select the Up Arrow to save the recorded audio. The pop-up will automatically close and the recorded audio will be added to the draft.



Returning to the Draft Screen

When you have completed editing the audio, and tapped the Next button, Render will return to the Draft Record page. 


The modified Draft is automatically placed in the next available Draft slot. The original Draft will still be available in Draft Slot 1. Render will prompt you to select one of the drafts when you proceed to the next page (Draft Select).