Render Icon Glossary
Back button – goes to previous screen | |
Next button – goes to next step. If tasks are not done, this button will be gray and not work. | |
| Finished button – like the Next button. You approve the work on this page has been completed. Moves to the next work or Project Home. |
Settings | |
Play audio recording. A yellow button means you are required to listen. | |
Pause audio recording | |
Record audio recording. | |
Stop audio recording | |
Delete/Trash – Throw away current audio selection | |
Undo Delete/Trash – recover audio that was thrown away | |
Waveform – Visual interpretation of the audio recording. Acceptable waveform recordings are shown in How to Solve Common Audio Quality Problems | |
| Timer – the first clock is where the scrubber is in the audio file (elapsed time) and the second clock is the length of the audio file. |
Rerecord | |
When drafting, there are 6 opportunities to record. This one is number | |
When drafting, these boxes (numbered 1-6) indicate an opportunity to add a recording. Press this box, then click the record | |
Add a written or spoken note. | |
In notes, this button saves (uploads) the note. | |
In notes, this button closes (but does not delete) the note box. | |
A note on a waveform. Click | |
Scrubber – This bar indicates where you are in the recording. You can move it forward or backward. | |
Where the passage will be divided/cut | |
This is how a divided/cut passage looks after the cut. | |
In passage divide/cut, up to 4 reference sources are shown. When gray, the reference will be required. | |
In passage divide/cut, by pressing the name of the reference, it will turn this rust color and will not be included as a reference. It will show locked: | |