After each portion is done for all of the community checks for a set, that set will go into Community Revise. In Community Revise, you will have all of the retells from the community as well as every question and response along with any applicable notes. After listening to these resources, you will have the option to re-record any and all passages as needed.

To begin to view the work done by the community:
1.Launch Render.
2.Click on your user name and input your password if you have one.
3.Click on the yellow Community Revise button on your Home page (if the button is not yellow, 
sync your device).

The Community Revise Select screen will look similar to the Peer Revise Select screen:

1. Home button
2. Set title listen
3. Set translation player
4. Set source player
5. Passages select box
    A. Passage listen players
    B. Listen to a note button
    C. Re-Record button
6. Finished button

Hitting the Home button (1) will bring you back to your Home page. Clicking play on the Set Title (2) will play the description of the set you are working on.

On the left side of the page, you can listen to your entire translation of the set (3). You can also play the set source (4).

The Passages Select box has all of your translation work split up into passages (5a). The yellow Listen to a Note button (5b) next to a passage indicates that there is work here from the community. All of the passages here have a Listen to a Note button, as there is a retelling from the community on every passage. See the next section for more details on the popup you will get when you press this button. The Re-Record button (5c) allows you to go through the process of re-recording a passage, which you can do after listening to the community’s retells and responses. When you are done with all of your changes, press the Finished button (6).

Before we go through the specifics steps of Community Revise, review Listen to Note for Community Revise.