Note Interpret is an optional feature that allows a user to interpret notes between the consultant and the translation teams. It is only available for notes in an audio format (not typed notes). The role can be assigned to any project user by the Configure (see Role Assignment Steps article).

Note Interpret

Render 3 creates separate substages for notes going from the consultant to the translator, and from the translator going to the consultant. These substages can be assigned to a user in the Workflow Configuration. Select one of the Note Interpret icons from the Project Home to begin interpreting. 

The Note Interpret screen is where the interpretation is recorded. 

  1. Play: select to listen to the note that needs to be back translated.
  2. Trash can: delete the drafted note interpretation.
  3. Record: select to record the interpretation.
  4. Append: reactivates the record button to continue adding to the recorded interpretation. 
  5. Next: select to proceed to the Note Review page (see below).

Note Interpret: Note Review

Note Review allows you to go over your interpretation one last time before sending it to the next step in the workflow.

  1. Play: select to listen to the note that needs to be back translated.
  2. Play interpretation: select to listen to the note that needs to be back translated.
  3. R-record: select to return to the Note Interpret page and re-record the interpretation. 
  4. Next/Finished: if it is represented by an arrow then there are additional notes to interpret and selecting Next will bring you to the next note. If the symbol is a checkmark, then this is the last note for this section and Render will return to the Project Home page.