Whenever faced with an issue in Render 3 always report the issue to helpdesk first and as soon as possible. It might take a while for us to get back to you. In the meantime, we would suggest you try some of these steps:

After each step, reopen Render 3 and check if the issue is resolved.

1. Verify that device is up to date by Windows Update. Use the Check for Updates feature.

2. Make sure you are on latest Render 3 version. Update if needed.

3. Restart device.

4. Try Local Sync (Requires that at least 2 project devices be connected to LAN router and preferably not connected to the internet). Then try Web Sync.

5. Offload the project then Add the project again.

6. Reinstall Render 3 on the device and Add the project again.

7. Log in as the same User on another project device. [Caution: Make sure they have synced, logged out, and closed Render 3 before you do this.]

Before you try the next two steps, please contact the assigned agent with an update and wait for their response/feedback.

8. Revert any changes made in Project Configuration.

9. Restore the section to the desired stage using Recovery tool.

At any point you feel stuck or in need of instructions, please ask the assigned helpdesk agent or a workshop trainer for assistance.