In Render, Notes are the way that you can communicate to other people that are a part of your translation workflow—your team of peer checkers and the consultant. Back translators can also make notes to the consultant.

Whenever you make a note on a draft, it will go to the next person in your workflow for review. 

Anytime you see the headphones button, you can record a note right in your draft. 

First, move your scrubber to the spot in your audio where you want to make a note (1). If you have received a note from someone, you can also click on their note to respond (2)

After clicking in the audio where you want to make a note, click on the Note button:

A note popup will appear.  You can add a text note or an audio note or both.


1. Text Box

2. Record button

Audio Notes

9. Record button

Press the record button and start speaking to record an audio note.

10. Delete button

11. Save button 

12. Play/pause button

After recording, you can press the play/pause button (12) to listen to your note. To save it, click the upload button (11).  Alternatively, click the delete button (10) to delete your note. After deleting, you will have a record button again to record a new note. You can add as many notes as you would like.

Written Notes

3. Text box

4. Save button

For a written note, click in the text area (3) and start typing. When finished, click the save button (4). You can then type another note, or record another note. You can add as many notes as you'd like.

Reviewing Notes


13. Close button for note popup

14. Written Note(s)

15. Audio Notes(s)

16. Text box

17. Microphone

Review your written (14) and audio (15) notes. Type new notes in the text box (16) or start new audio notes by pressing the record button (17).  If finished with notes about this part of the audio, click the close button (13) to close the Note popup.

After closing the popup, your page will now have notes in the audio:

18. Note markers

19. Timer

20. Scroll Bar

21. Play/pause button

22. Note button

In the example above, there are 3 note markers (18). The first two were recorded at the beginning of the passage, and the third one was recorded at 12 seconds into the passage (19). By pressing any of the notes (18), the note popup will open and allow you to read written notes or listen to audio notes. You can also add new notes. Press the play button (21) to listen to the passage. To add more notes, move your scrub bar to a new spot and press the Note button (22) to record a new note and follow the steps above.